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Each year we organize workshops for a group of 30 selected students and recent graduates in collaboration with our partner companies to introduce them to consulting and other business sectors.

How to write a structured CV:

Application for Intensive Part 2024/2025

How to become a part of Club 307


Send your application form

Send us your structured CV and answer to the motivation question. Applications are open from first September 2024.


CV screening by our Leadership 

Your structured resume will be reviewed by Club 307 leadership consisting of alumni with a varied academic and career profiles.


CV screening by our partners

Our partner companies will assign preferences for advancing candidates to Intensive Part membership.



The interview consists of two parts. The first part is focused on cultural fit and the second part will test the analytical skills of our candidates.

During the first part of the interview, each candidate will receive one of the following questions:


Describe a challenging situation you have encountered when working with someone who had an opposing view.


Describe a situation where you worked to achieve something that was out of your comfort zone.


Give an example of when you have worked effectively with colleagues/team members from different backgrounds.


Describe a time when you experienced a significant change and what you did to adapt to the new circumstances.

In the second part, the candidate will demonstrate analytical skills by solving problems such as:


You have a 5-gallon bucket and a 3-gallon bucket. Assume that you have an unlimited supply of water and that the buckets do not have any markings for measurement.





How can you get 4 gallons of water into the 5-gallon bucket?


Correct answer:

  • Fill the 3-gallon bucket and empty it into the 5-gallon bucket

  • Fill the 3-gallon bucket and empty it into the 5-gallon bucket again. This leaves 1 gallon in the 3-gallon bucket

  • Empty the 5-gallon bucket

  • Pour the gallon in the 3-gallon bucket into the 5-gallon bucket

  • Fill the 3-gallon bucket and empty it into the 5-gallon bucket again

  • You have 4 gallons of water in the 5-gallon bucket.


Numerical series

“You and I will take turns saying numbers. The first person will say a number between 1 and 10. Then, the other person will say a number that is greater
than the first number. The difference between both numbers must be between 1 and 10. We will keep going back and forth in this way until one of us says the number 50. That person wins. You will start.”

What number should you start with if you want to win?



Correct answer:

You should start with 6. To win the game, you should say the following sequence of numbers: 17, 28, 39, 50.

  • Since you want to say 50 first, you need to make the other person say a number between 40 and 49.

  • Thus, you should say 39.

  • If you want to say 39, you need to make the other person say a number between 29 and 38.

  • Therefore, you should say 28.

According to this logic, you will say 17 before 28. Thus, to win, you should start the game with 6.

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